Burton’s favourite community radio station with over 11,000 listeners.
Aid Humanity
Call: 0330 057 9957 Website: www.aidhumanity.com
Burton Hope
Call: 07472 678343 Website: www.burtonhope.co.uk
The Young Ones
Call: 07933 220634 Website: www.theyoungonesburton.co.uk
Consolidated Charity Burton
Call: 01283 527067 Website: www.consolidatedcharityburton.com
Burton Mind
Call: 01283 566696 Website: www.burtonmind.co.uk
Call: 01283 531189 Website: www.scope.org.uk
Star Foundation
Call: 01283 741406 Website: www.starfoundation.org.uk
St Giles Hospice
Call: 01283 516218 Website: www.stgiileshospice.com
Call: 01283 539696 Website: www.pdsa.org.uk
British Heart Foundation
Call: 01283 568885 Website: www.bhf.org.uk
Children’s Air Ambulance
Call: 01283 537089 Website: www.airambulanceservice.org.uk
Newlife Burton
Call: 01543 468888 Website: www.newlifecharity.co.uk
RSPCA Burton
Call: 01283 247647 Website: www.rspcaburton.org.uk
Cancer Research UK
Call: 01283 569339 Website: www.cancerresearch.uk.org
Bee Blessed
Call: 01283 533552 Website: www.beeblessed.com
Call: 01283 531189 Website: www.barnados.org.uk
Forces Support
Call: 07951 824784 Website: www.forcessupport.org.uk
Linjoy Wildlife Sanctuary and Rescue
Call: 07780 742748 Website: www.linjoywildlifesanctuary.org.uk
Rolleston Almshouse Charity
Call: 01283 564716 Website: www.rollestonalmshousecharity.org.uk
Next Step
Call: 925-425-0414 Website: www.nextstep.org
P3 Charity Swadlincote Hub
Call: 01283 551144 Website: www.p3charity.org
Harvey Girls
Call: 01283 533449 Website: www.familysupport.co.uk
Sue Ryder Swadlincote
Call: 01283 224534 Website: www.sueryder.org
Blue Cross Rehoming Centre
Call: 0300 777 1846 Website: www.bluecross.org.uk
Burton Soup Kitchen
Call: 01283 517116 Website: www.burtonsoupkitchen.co.uk
The Salvation Army Swadlincote
Call: 01283 216264 Website: www.salvationarmy.org.uk
You 1st
Call: 07850 588672 Website: www.you1st-emotionalsupport.com
Call: 01283 538802 Website: www.burtonymca.org
Greyhound Trust
Call: 07528 727107 Website: www.greyhoundtrust.org.uk
Burton Junior Phab Club
Call: 07469 729172 Website: www.burtonjuniorphabclub.com
St John Ambulance
Call: +44 370 010 4950 Website: www.sja.org.uk
Burton Banter
Call: 01283 392172 Website: www.burtonbanter.com
Me & Dee Charity
Call: 01332 297011 Website: www.meanddee.co.uk
Burton Youth for Christ
Call: 01283 531722 Website: www.burton.yfc.co.uk
Burton Beekeepers Association
Call: 07885 504646 Website: www.burtonbka.org.uk
SARAC - Sexual Abuse Rape Advice Centre
Call: 01283 535110 Website: www.sarac.org.uk
Age UK
Call: 01283 510106 Website: www.localgiving.org.uk

Burton Radio is a not-for-profit organisation
When Matt & J founded Burton Radio back in 2019, they didn’t just want a radio station that played music all day long, they wanted to create something that helped connect the community, to give it a voice. Years later, it now has over 30 volunteer dj’s making popular shows that do exactly that, including events that embody the diversity of Burton on Trent.
By contributing to the station, you’re helping us support the community.
Burton Radio Partners
Hardy Signs
Branston Golf & Country Club
Charterhouse Accountants
The Winery
The Community Foundation for Staffordshire
The Brewhouse Arts Centre
Burton Chamber of Commerce
Imperial Brewery
Hardy Signs • Branston Golf & Country Club • Toyota • Charterhouse Accountants • The Winery • The Community Foundation for Staffordshire • The Brewhouse Arts Centre • ORS • Burton Chamber of Commerce • Imperial Brewery • CWPR •